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上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon VESTI iz industrije igara27.12.2005. u 03:31 - pre 224 meseci
Ovo je tema koja ce sadrzati vesti iz industrije igara. Sadrzaj ce biti jednostavan,
svaka poruka treba da sadrzi deo vesti i link do originalnog izvora.

[Ovu poruku je menjao tosa dana 01.04.2006. u 12:31 GMT+1]
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上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Xbox 360 costs $715 to make29.12.2005. u 06:08 - pre 224 meseci
Xbox 360 costs $715 to make

Earlier numbers by Business Week may have reported that Microsoft is losing $126 on every Xbox 360 sold. That figure is now believed to be a bit higher by some. According to Insider Scoop, the world's largest software maker is losing upwards of $300 per console sold. From the article: "A high ranking friend at IBM, one that worked on the Xbox 360 chip design, tipped us regarding the real expenses involved in manufacturing the Xbox 360... 'It costs Microsoft approximately $715 to make, the manufacturing costs are still too high, another reason why they’re producing relatively small quantities.'”
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Blender 2.40 released29.12.2005. u 06:29 - pre 224 meseci

Almost 7 months of development has resulted in this great 2.40 release. New Character animation tools, Modifiers, Particles, Fluids, Booleans, ...
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上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon RTDynamics releases new RotorLib-based helicopter demo game29.12.2005. u 06:31 - pre 224 meseci

We have just released a new demo of our innovative helicopter simulation technology, RotorLib. RotorLib is a complete C++ helicopter dynamics middleware for AI-driven helicopter bots in games and simulations. RotorLib provides high level commands like moveTo and hover and internally uses a realtime helicopter flight dynamics model. Demos,SDK and videos are at
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Xbox 360 on track to sell 3 Million units in 90 days29.12.2005. u 06:32 - pre 224 meseci

Microsoft has reportedly started to replenish stock of Xbox 360s in American retail channels.

Xbox 360 has been in agonisingly short supply since the console's November 22nd launch, but GameSpot reports that some of the remaining pre-orders are now being filled.

Microsoft UK declined to comment as to whether it's a situation reflected on this side of the Atlantic. "Xbox does not announce details of shipments, but I can tell you that we're on track to meet our 90 day forecast of 2.75 to 3.0 million units," a spokesperson told this lunchtime.
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Kynapse AI Used In Next-Gen Pyro Title29.12.2005. u 06:33 - pre 224 meseci

December 27, 2005

Kynapse AI Used In Next-Gen Pyro Title
Kynogon, a French-headquartered supplier of A.I. middleware solutions, has announced that Pyro Studios, developer of the Commandos series, among other titles, has selected Kynapse to develop its next generation game A.I.

Francois Coulon, Pyro Studios' development director, commented of the move: "We have embarked on an ambitious project and are very pleased to be able to make use of Kynapse’s features as a springboard for putting us months ahead in development of our AI and game-play. Rather than spending months developing a foundation for all our AI requirements, we find ourselves with a powerful base upon which we can now develop low level unique behaviors for our specific game. The success of this first integration means we are strongly considering the continued use of Kynapse in our future next-gen products."

Pyro Studios was founded in 1996, and is today the leading studio for digital entertainment in Spain. The Commandos saga, created by Pyro and published by Eidos, has sold over 3 million copies worldwide.

Some of the most recent licensors of Kynapse AI have recently included Crackdown developer Real Time Worlds, as well as Planet Moon Studios for PSP title Infected
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Phantom Announces Lapboard, Reveals Financial Problems29.12.2005. u 06:35 - pre 224 meseci

December 28, 2005

Phantom Announces Lapboard, Reveals Financial Problems
Infinium Labs CEO and President Greg Koler has announced that the company will be launching the Phantom Lapboard, a bespoke wireless keyboard and mouse designed specifically for PC gamers, in Q2 of 2006, in lieu of a release for its much-vaunted Phantom PC 'game console'.

The Lapboard will include a 360-degree rotating keyboard for either left- or right-handed players, and under the keyboard is the lapboard for the mouse that allows gamers to play from their armchairs - within a 30-foot radius of their PC.

However, Infinium's Koler also made a statement in the press release which seems to indicate that funding is not yet in place to launch the Phantom Lapboard, let alone the Phantom console itself, commenting: "The required $USD 2 million round of funding for the Phantom Lapboard is a necessary step to deliver our vision for our products and services quickly into the market, positioned for both consumer and OEM segments, and book revenues by June 2006."

In fact, the company's recently re-issued 10-QSB/A financial report, following the resignation of most recent CEO Kevin Bachus, reveals a parlous state of affairs for Infinium. Firstly, in a little-reported move, Infinium filed documents with the SEC on October 28, 2005, restating its interim financial results for late 2003, 2004, and 2005, due to "misclassifying employees as independent contractors in the fourth quarter of 2003 and the first quarter of 2004", and a failure to record loss contingencies relating to withholding and payroll tax obligations, among other issues.

Secondly, and starting in April 2005, the company seems to have started defaulting on its short-term loans. Up to April, it had managed to pay off its loans by converting them to Infinium shares, which were hovering above 10 cents each, but with the current Infinium share price at 2.3 cents, it can no longer do this. Thus, April 2005 loans of $300,000 and $200,000, and June loans of $68,000 and $100,000 are all in default, with more recent loans not yet listed.

Regarding the Phantom itself, Infinium has contracted Biostar to create the Phantom Game Receiver mainboard and graphics adapter, with costs including a $156,000 initial payment and eventual payments of nearly $312,000. However, the company notes in the 'risk' area of its filing: "We have engaged third parties to assist with product engineering and design work. Due to working capital shortages, efforts by these groups on our behalf have been delayed. At June 30, 2005, the Company owed Biostar and Walter Dorwin Teague Associates, two of such firms, $311,532 and $46,769, respectively, which amounts continue to be outstanding." Infinium also revealed that it is technically in default on all of its major game licensing agreements for the Phantom console, with a Riverdeep license that included a $225,000 advance, a Codemasters license with a $50,000 advance, an Atari license with a $500,000 advance and an Eidos license with a $125,000 advance all partially or wholly unpaid. In addition, the company appears to owe the IRS around $2.35 million in payroll taxes and penalties, as of June 30.

As a note accompanying the financial documents explains: "As reflected in the accompanying financial statements, the Company is in the development stage with no sales and has recurring losses from inception of $57,570,723, has a working capital deficiency of $10,085,662, a stockholders deficiency of $9,470,271 and has a negative cash flow from operations of $14,888,265 from inception. This raises substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern."

With pending lawsuits in Florida from promissory note lenders Shambro, Beshara, and Niedrich, as well as with companies that Infinium apparently owes money to such as CDW Corporation and Black Rocket Euro RSCG, plus a still pending SEC investigation regarding 'fax blasts' promoting the company's shares, it's unclear whether the Lapboard, let alone the Phantom console itself, will finally wend its way to market.
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Yee, Schwarzenegger Comment On California Injunction29.12.2005. u 06:36 - pre 224 meseci

December 28, 2005

Yee, Schwarzenegger Comment On California Injunction
Over the Christmas period, both California Assembly Speaker pro tem Leland Yee and a representative of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger have had a chance to reply to the recent news that Judge Ronald Whyte handed down a preliminary injunction halting the implementation of California's game restriction law.

Leland Yee, the bill's sponsor, released an official statement obtained by the GamePolitics website which read as follows:

"The preliminary injunction is simply a temporary pause before the lawsuit brought against the State of California by the Video Software Dealers Association (VDA) and the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) is resolved. We are confident that common sense will prevail over corporate profiteering on the backs of children.

Judge Whyte's 17-page opinion granting the injunction made clear that while a preliminary injunction may be necessary in the short term, he also challenged some of the claims made by the plaintiffs. Specifically, Judge Whyte indicated that, despite the claims of the ESA and VDA that the Act is far too burdensome to apply as a standard to video game products, that the '...Act should be simple enough for an ordinary person to apply to the games submitted to the court.'

The $31 billion video game industry is not concerned with the health and welfare of our children; they are simply concerned with their own financial interests... The medical data clearly indicates that these ultra-violent video games have harmful effects on kids, and thus we have a state interest to protect them. In addition, this law does not ban the development, the distribution, or the sale of any video games; it only limits the sales of the most violent games to minors. This is simply a tool to help parents raise healthy kids."

In addition, speaking to the San Francisco Chronicle, Julie Soderlund, a spokesperson for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, commented: "This is just the first step in what is certain to be a lengthy legal proceeding. Once the state is able to present evidence in the case, the courts will have the opportunity to understand why the governor and Legislature believe the state has a compelling interest in protecting children from potential harm from exposure to extremely violent video games."

Under the terms of AB1179, which would have come into effect on January 1, 2006, customers purchasing games with the label would be required to show ID; retailers who either did not check for ID or did not show the labels will be liable for a $1,000 fine per infraction.
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Les Sims Gets a Commemorative Postage Stamp29.12.2005. u 06:37 - pre 224 meseci

Les Sims Gets a Commemorative Postage Stamp
La Poste honors EA's game.
by Jane Pinckard, 12/22/2005

The French postal service, La Poste, has decided to commemorate one of the most successful videogame franchises of all time with a special series of postage stamps, available via La Poste's website. The game is The Sims, which ranks eighth in the top ten of most popular entertainment products in France.

"From fashion to food, history to heraldry, the French have always been cultural tastemakers," said EA's Chief Creative Officer Bing Gordon. "We thank them not only for commemorating The Sims with an official postage stamp, but also for making it one of the top ten most celebrated entertainment products in France--Merci!'"

The Sims was created by visionary game designer Will Wright, who is currently at work on Spore, which he has described as "Sim everything." Wright also created the popular Simcity games.
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon The highs and lows of video games in 2005 - USA Today29.12.2005. u 06:39 - pre 224 meseci

The highs and lows of video games in 2005
By Matt Slagle, Associated Press

Beyond a few innovative titles and some promising new hardware, the video game industry largely continued to do what it does best in 2005: churning out sequels, movie tie-ins and ultraviolence.

It was the work of a Dutch programmer that put video games, a growing and increasingly influential source of entertainment for people of all ages, in the crosshairs of the long-standing debate over kids and violence.

In June, a software hack called Hot Coffee unlocked a hidden sex level in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, a freeform action game rated "mature" for ages 17 and older that includes drive-by shootings and high-speed police chases.

Most major retailers promptly removed the game from store shelves after the Entertainment Software Rating Board, an industry body, changed its rating to "adults only." Rockstar has since released a new version, minus the hidden content, with the less-restrictive mature rating.

While industry groups like the Entertainment Software Association insist there's no link between violent video games and violent behavior in children, politicians nonetheless seized on the case, calling for tighter restrictions on game sales.

Three states — Illinois, Michigan, and California — imposed laws that fine retailers caught selling mature-rated games to minors. A federal judge has since found the Illinois restrictions unconstitutional.

Sens. Hillary Clinton and Joseph Lieberman have proposed similar legislation on a national level.

There were other ups and downs for gamers.

Sonyreleased its powerful PlayStation Portable in the United States in March but took months to offer any compelling games. Similarly, Microsoft beat rivals to market with its next-generation Xbox 360 console but rolled out a launch lineup of 18 mostly lackluster titles.

A handheld device called Gizmondo, meanwhile, proved there's one surefire way for a video game system to fail: a lack of decent games.

Unlike 2004, there weren't any real blockbuster games like Half-Life 2 or Halo 2.

Nonetheless, there were some excellent games — some violent, some strange, some featuring puppies.

One of the year's biggest hits arrived in August for the Nintendo DS handheld system. Nintendogs offered a lifelike digital rendering of perhaps the cutest animal: the puppy. It was a superb example of the interactivity found in the DS, which features a microphone, built-in wireless and two screens — one of them touch sensitive.

Nintendogs offered a lifelike digital rendering of perhaps the cutest animal: the puppy.

Another of 2005's best was also among the goriest. As U.S. agent Leon Kennedy in Resident Evil 4, players faced the daunting, scary task infiltrating a village of possessed residents to recover the kidnapped daughter of the American president. Beyond the shock and gore of this M-rated game, it was an exhilarating experience for the GameCube, and more recently, for the PlayStation 2.

Children and adults alike experienced a delightfully mindful tale in Psychonauts, released in April. This imaginative game for personal computers, the PS2 and Xbox offered something for every gamer in the house, whether it was hunting for hidden treasure, performing acrobatic feats or blasting big, bad monsters at a summer camp for children with psychic powers.

The games you never see advertised are often among those you can least afford to overlook:

Shadow of the Colossus offered a dreamlike story in a fantastical land where you battle with 16 giant beasts called Colossi. Each one is a level unto itself in this superb mix of action and strategy.

Indigo Prophecy was an adventure game that melded a unique control system with a captivating crime drama set in the snowy streets of New York —CSI with a touch of X Files thrown in.

The year also was filled with its share of flops and failures.

It seemed like a no-brainer for success, but the persistent virtual reality of The Matrix Online saw most gamers choosing to take the blue pill and trying to forget they ever played this difficult, unforgiving online role playing game.

NARC, meanwhile, redefined tastelessness with a bug-riddled game where you played a cop who takes down members of a drug cartel, ingesting the illicit drugs he confiscates along the way to slow down time or make your temporarily invincible.

And Hollywood served up a poor selection of videogame adaptations, from director Uwe Boll's unbearably bad Alone in the Dark to the almost watchable but equally mindless Martian demonslaying of Doom.
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Jack Thompson buys shares in Take Two29.12.2005. u 06:41 - pre 224 meseci

No, your eyes are not deceiving you. Jack Thompson has purchased shares in Take-Two interactive - otherwise known as the publisher behind the Grand Theft Auto series of games. So has JT suddenly become a financial supporter of the company he's long campaigned against? Not a chance. JT has purchased stock in the company in order that he might attend Take-Two's shareholder meetings and face up to the company's CEO, Paul Eibeler.

In advance of attending the shareholder's meeting, he sent a ranting letter to Eibeler, outlining his plan to attend the meeting and visit several issues that have been on our favorite lawyer's mind as of late. In the letter, JT questions Eibeler's handling of the "Hot Coffee" sex scandal (which won an award, by the way) and mentions a report by MarketWatch naming Eibeler as the "worst CEO of 2005". Up until this point, the letter raises legitimate concerns that any shareholder could have regarding the company's CEO.

But, as JT's letters always do, it degrades into a messy rant against the video game industry in general. At one point, JT refers to Microsoft's Flight Simulator as a training simulator for the 9/11 terrorists: "What's next, Paul, a game in which players can practice flying commercial jetliners into the World Trade Towers? Oh, I forgot. Microsoft already did that." We're not going to dignify that statement with a retort. As these kind of statements demonstrate: Jack Thompson is, and will forever remain, a childish attention seeker. We hope the organisers of the next Take-Two shareholder's meeting refuse to obey JT's request for a "cordless microphone at the shareholders meeting." That's all he needs: a voice.
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Nissan and MS team on 'URGE to sit on your rear' concept car30.12.2005. u 05:13 - pre 224 meseci


Where do you not want to go today?
By Ashlee Vance in Mountain View
Published Wednesday 28th December 2005 20:01 GMT
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Nissan and Microsoft have partnered to show that they can deliver as much impotent grandeur as any other auto/software maker duo.

The vendors this week announced that they will unveil the first "fully integrated gaming system within a vehicle."

At this point, you're probably thinking, "Come on, we've all seen a Playstation packed Escalade." And that's true enough.

What you probably haven't seen is a car that is the video game console.

"Conceived by Nissan Design America Inc. (NDA) and equipped with the Xbox 360 next-generation video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, the Nissan URGE concept car allows drivers (while parked) to play 'Project Gotham Racing 3' using the car's own steering wheel, gas pedal and brake pedal while viewing the game on a flip-down seven-inch LCD screen," Nissan and Microsoft said in a statement.

Artist's rendering of Nissan UrgeThis experiment highlights the nature of concept cars. You'll often find technology that you would love to see in real cars and then feel saddened that it never arrives. At the same time, you're often horrified at what companies will waste their time developing.

Apparently, however, we're not in the demographic that comprehends the genius at hand. Only the echo boomers get it.

"Nissan conducted an Internet survey of 2,000 echo boomers, a majority of which said technology and gaming are among the most important attributes in their first car," said Bruce Campbell, vice president of design at Nissan Design America.

You're no doubt sharing in the same, beautiful vision of thousands of plump teenagers slumped over their steering wheels in parking lots or virtually surfing while parked near a beach.

"The URGE concept car is equipped with the award-winning 'PGR 3,' which allows drivers to control a breathtaking trip through the streets of five photo-realistic locations: New York City, London, Las Vegas, Tokyo and the Nurburgring test track in Germany," Nissan said. 'PGR 3' drivers view and play the game on a flip-down LCD screen, which doubles as a rear-view mirror when the car is being used for real driving.

"They control the action using the Nissan URGE's race-inspired steering wheel, gas pedal and brake pedal. A Nissan URGE driver can, for example, maneuver through the streets of New York, park the car and fire up the Xbox 360, then virtually race through the same streets using the same steering wheel, gas pedal and brake pedal -- blurring fantasy and reality in a way that the automotive world has never before seen."

The URGE car with Microsoft on board will be displayed for the first time on Jan. 9 at the 2006 North American International Auto Show in Detroit. ®
Odgovor na temu

Branimir Karadžić
Seattle, WA

Član broj: 14953
Poruke: 1630


+11 Profil

icon Re: VESTI iz industrije igara - index02.01.2006. u 06:13 - pre 224 meseci
2005 Independent Game of the Year Awards

2005 Top 10 Games of the Year
2005 Special Awards
2005 Game of the Year: Multiplayer
2005 Game of the Year: Innovation
2005 Game of the Year: Sound
2005 Game of the Year: Graphics
2005 Quest / Adventure / Platform Game of the Year
2005 Action Game of the Year
2005 Arkanoid Game of the Year
2005 Casual Game of the Year
2005 Sim Game of the Year
2005 Strategy Game of the Year
2005 Sports Game of the Year

Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon iRiver handheld gaming system04.01.2006. u 02:28 - pre 224 meseci

iRiver seems to be entering the world of handheld gaming, joining the PSP and DS with their new G10 handheld. It will appearently have an 8-10GB hard-drive, and an LCD screen which displays at 800x480.

Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Molestation Case Involves XBox Live06.01.2006. u 03:06 - pre 224 meseci

Detectives said Watts contacted the boy in October or November through the Xbox Live community, where players can battle online and speak to each other using headsets.

Their conversations progressed to sending e-mails and Web cam videos, with Watts allegedly sending the boy obscene video clips of himself, authorities said.

The teen eventually gave Watts his home address and telephone number and they met in a Santa Rosa park in November where the alleged physical abuse occurred.

Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Bruce Carver Obituary06.01.2006. u 03:08 - pre 224 meseci

Bruce Carver, one of the game industry's great innovators and entrepreneurs died last week, age 57. He will be remembered for his enormous contribution to sports games, especially through his Links series of golf games, as well as for his generosity and kindness.

In 1997, PC Gamer awarded him the accolade as one of the 'Gods of Gaming'. In 1999, Access was bought by Microsoft, and this saw the beginning of the decline of Links. The series was gradually superseded by new 3D games and big-money licenses.

Carver left Microsoft in 2003 to launch two new successful businesses. He was most actively involved in Carver Homes, which built award-winning luxury houses to order. It satisfied his passion for detail and his meticulous eye for beauty. He was also a partner in TrueGolf; offering large-scale video simulations for the home.
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Vivendi Universal Acquires High Moon Studios06.01.2006. u 08:05 - pre 224 meseci

January 5, 2006

Vivendi Universal Acquires High Moon Studios
Vivendi Universal, the publisher of World of Warcraft and the Crash Bandicoot series, has acquired High Moon Studios, developers of 2005's old west vampire FPS game Darkwatch.

The terms of the deal include Vivendi absorbing all of High Moon's staff of over 100 employees, and gaining control over the studio's intellectual properties. High Moon CEO John Rowe will continue to manage the studio at its Carlsbad, CA offices. Vivendi did not disclose the financial terms of the acquisition.

"High Moon has assembled an experienced team of development professionals who are passionate about creating compelling interactive entertainment for audiences around the world," said High Moon CEO John Rowe. "We are happy to be a part of Vivendi Universal Games, and we believe that the acquisition is a very positive step for the growth of our studio."

Formerly known as Sammy Studios, before striking out on its own in 2005 following a management buyout in the midst of Sammy's merger with Sega, High Moon has earned awards for its working environment. IT Week Magazine named the studio one of its Top 50 Technology Innovators of 2005, and the San Diego Society for Human Resource Management gave the studio a Crystal Award for "Employer of Choice."

"VU Games and High Moon are already collaborating on a soon-to-be-announced project based on a major entertainment license," said Vivendi Universal Games CEO Bruce Hack. "Our acquisition of the studio is another major step forward in building the company's position as a leader in next generation console games."
Odgovor na temu

Branimir Karadžić
Seattle, WA

Član broj: 14953
Poruke: 1630


+11 Profil

icon Re: VESTI iz industrije igara - index06.01.2006. u 19:25 - pre 224 meseci
Commodore Returns as Handheld

The classic home computer and gaming brand Commodore is back, in the guise of a handheld device sporting downloadable arcade games. Image The much-traveled brand is now owned by Commodore International Corporation (formerly Yeahronimo). The company has used CES to detail its new product; the Commodore Combo.

The device is being offered with five 8-bit games included, and another 90 or so available for online downloadable purchase. It comes with a 20GB hard drive running Windows CE, and offers GPS functionality.

Commodore says it wants developers to create content for the device, which will then be sold via kiosks in selected retail outlets.

Odgovor na temu

Ivan Pesic

Član broj: 7659
Poruke: 2209



icon Re: VESTI iz industrije igara - index09.01.2006. u 14:09 - pre 224 meseci
Evo jos par zanimljivih vesti sa istog sajta:

Microsoft Abandons 90-Day Target

Microsoft now admits it will not meet its target of up to 3 million Xbox 360 sales within 90-days of the console's launch.

So What Went Wrong?

Sales for Q4 were weaker than expected; damaged by a lack of innovative games, a poorly executed hardware launch and a lack of price-action for older consoles.
Mass murder ain’t just painless,
Now we’ve made it cute.

The Church Of The Holy Transistor
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Take-Two Acquires Irrational Games10.01.2006. u 02:17 - pre 224 meseci

Take 2 announced that it has acquired one of the biggest independent developers Irrational Games. Known for such titles as SWAT 4, Tribes Vengeance and Freedom Force, Irrational is currently working on Bioshock for Take Two, scheduled for PC and nextgen consoles, but also SWAT 4 expansion pack for Vivendi.
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